

Apply Today!

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now available. Please click the blue "APPLY" above to begin your journey to HC.

Let's Get Started

List of 7 items.

  • Application Information

    Once you have submitted your application, a checklist will be generated for you to ensure proper document submission.  Additional documentation will be required should a student apply for The Program for College Readiness (PCR).

    Once an applicant's file is complete, it is reviewed by Admissions Review Committee (ARC) members.  Decision letters, including contracts for general enrollment and special program contracts (DSP & PCR), as well as financial aid notification letters, if awarded, will be available via the online portal by the deadline.
  • Report Cards

    Three years of report cards for incoming ninth-graders; transfer students (10th, 11th, and 12th graders), must submit a transcript (report cards may be requested). These can be submitted through the portal checklist after your application has been submitted. 
  • Recommendation Forms

    Completed HAIS recommendation form from current math and English teachers. Recommendations should be requested through the portal once an application is submitted.
  • Testing

    Houston Christian requires the ISEE or the SSAT. Please see below for more information.

    Houston Christian will accept either the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Examination) or SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test) are nationally normed, standardized tests held throughout the Houston area at an additional cost.

    Please register online. Parents are responsible for all registration and payment directly through the ISEE/SSAT organization. Testing at Houston Christian does not provide an advantage to the applicant with regard to an admission decision.

    ISEE and SSAT test results are typically reported within 48 - 72 hours of testing.  To inquire about testing opportunities after February 7, please call the Admissions Office at (713) 580-6020.

    Houston Christian will host the ISEE on January 11, 2025 and January 24, 2025. Please register below.

    For more information and to register for the ISEE click here; the HC test site code is 447561.

    For more information and to register for the SSAT.
  • Interview

    Houston Christian is family and as such, we want to get to know you through a student and family interview. Once you apply, make sure you schedule a time to visit with a member of our office. This may be done by contacting the Admissions office at 713-580-6020. Transfer students should have all documents submitted before scheduling the interview.

    Interviews may be scheduled by contacting the Admissions office. Please do not schedule your interview until your application has been submitted.
  • Indexed Tuition Application

    If you are applying for Index Tuition (IT), please begin that process in November and note the February deadline. Please do not wait to receive an admission decision to begin this process. IT notification placement will be provided when school decisions are released in March.

    Please click here for more details. 
  • Immunization Information

    Only fully immunized students will be permitted to enroll at Houston Christian High School, and only fully documented medical exemptions will be accepted. (At this time, the COVID-19 vaccine is NOT required for students to attend Houston Christian High School.)

Application Dates

List of 6 events.

  • Dec

    Applications Due

    Any applications received after December 20, 2024, will be considered after the first round of acceptances. Please note, that although the initial deadline to apply is December 20, Houston Christian will continue to accept applications and students until all spaces are filled. We encourage you to begin the application process as soon as possible. Please note: the application fee is $100.
  • Feb

    Supporting Documents Due

    All application supporting documents must be submitted online through the OnBoard Portal by February 3, 2025, if your application was submitted by December 20, 2024.
  • Feb

    Financial Aid Application Due

    Apply for Indexed Tuition rate using Clarity application. HC will begin accepting applications for Indexed Tuition on November 1. On or after November 1, click below and fill out the application. It's important to note the difference between the deadlines for application and Indexed Tuition applications. Our deadline for financial aid applications is February 5, 2025. 

    Click here to access Clarity application.
  • Feb

    Interviews Due

    Houston Christian is family and as such, we want to get to know you through a student and family interview. Once you apply, make sure you schedule a time to visit with a member of our office. This may be done by contacting the Admissions office. Transfer students should have all documents submitted before scheduling the interview.

    Interviews may be scheduled by contacting the Admissions office. Please do not schedule your interview until your application has been submitted.
  • Mar

    Decisions Released

    Once an applicant's file is complete, it is reviewed by members of the Admissions Review Committee (ARC). Decision letters will be available to view in your myHC portal on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 4 p.m. Contracts, including general enrollment and special program contracts (DSP & PCR), as well as financial aid, if awarded, will be emailed to you via Clarity on Friday, March 7, 2025. 
  • Mar

    Common Reply Date

    Confirm your commitment to HC! An email notification from Clarity stating "Houston Christian High School invites you to sign: Enrollment Contract 2025-2026 for Student First Name" will be sent to you. This email will include login instructions.  All parents or guardians are required to set up their accounts and sign the contracts. Should you need further assistance, please contact the Business Office.

    Transcript Release:
    Incoming freshmen must submit a transcript release form to their current schools. Completed forms may be sent to the HC Registrar, Loretta Ramirez, or mailed.

    *Transfer Students Only:

    Welcome, transfer students! One of the counselors will reach out to transfer students in the near future to arrange a meeting to discuss 2025 - 2026 course selections. After enrollment, all transfer students MUST submit a transcript release to their current school upon completion of the second semester. The form can be found HERE.
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