Embedded in Houston Christian High School’s Mission Statement is the commitment to Community. As one of our Core Values, we make it a priority to build and cherish it. Whether a student, parent or close community friend, you Experience Community. It is a Community Forever to treasure. You are Forever A Mustang.
The emphasis on community building brings not only a renewed sense of joy but greater strength and support for the mission. A deeper look into Houston Christian’s community by way of its academic programs and spiritual formation testifies to the importance of teacher-student relationships, research-based pedagogy, freedom of inquiry, multidimensional leadership training, accommodations for learning differences, and celebrating and enriching “school life” through community groups.
Likewise, the manifestation of the mission is supported by an experienced faculty and staff who foster collegial relations and a willingness to serve one another within the context of the mission. Well-nurtured students from many backgrounds contribute to the welfare of this community by learning more about themselves, the world, and their potential to lead.
This strong Core Value is why our enrollment continues to grow year after year and how we stay a family with a 97% retention rate.